søndag 24. juli 2011

20 days old and fed Eukanuba for the first time.

11 pups need to eat, and my babies have had their first taste of dog food today. As you can see from the photos they loved it - and they tucked in without much ado. It has been two days since worming, on purpose - to get their tummies settled before introducing them to solids.

I took mum Fia for a walk in the woods today, along with Ferdinand. She appreciated it but we kept her on a leash to stop her from getting her milk bar scratched. Bacteria from the soil is not something the pups would enjoy in their diet. After the walk, Ingfrid and I let Ferdinand and Doffen do a difficult free search of 8 dummies by taking turns - it went quite well actually.

Sundays are also a good day for visitors - Vigdis and Ankit, Sissel and Hedda, Carine and Lea, and neighbour Anders with his son Emil.

Our society has been turned upside down the last  few days and for many will never be the same again. It is a paradox to appreciate this litter and at the same time know what has taken place in Oslo and at Utøya.

This is today's photo harvest:

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